Financial PlanningEclipse financial planners provide a range of financial planning services with a high level of professionalism. Eclipse advisers are well qualified with years of experience in dealing with a wide range of financial issues. Clients’ circumstances range in size, complexity and value, with all clients catered for individually. Eclipse advisers can be trusted to provide advice that is easy to understand and will allow you to make the most of the financial environment. Business Structures that are the best for the ClientEclipse advisers have deliberately structured their businesses so they are free to provide the best advice available to clients. Independently OwnedThe Eclipse advisers' businesses are independently owned allowing the best advice to be given with no influence by any aligned or group organisation. Flat-Fee Charge for ServicesGenerally, a flat fee is charged for advice with a minimal amount of income deriving from any commissions. The separation of fees from investment products allows the most appropriate advice to be given at anytime with no bias of one product over another. Australian Financial Services LicenseEclipse advisers have their own Australian Financial Services Licenses which allows them to research and recommend almost anything they want in the best interests of their clients. Areas of expertise
At Eclipse there are two separate financial planning teams managed by the following people. Please go the links shown below or contact us at our office on (02) 9955 9779: |